The Polarity Within Our Society

The polarized mindset that the inhabitants of The United States of America has will be the creator of its downfall.

That may sound dramatic to you, but the division between mankind is not a topic that one should take as a pathetic joke. Segregation between people is what brings terror and chaos into a place, and that negativity does not tread lightly. Race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and class differences have divided nations, and that kind of badgering against a group of people is unequal and morally wrong. While most of those issues have calmed down within the past few decades, there is one more division between people that tears apart a community: politics.

I am not saying that politics is a bad thing, and I am not telling everyone to stop participating in their beliefs. But, I am saying that politics does divide a group of people. There are only two recognized parties in America: the Democrats and the Republicans. There are a numerous amount of other parties, but they are not taken seriously by the government. Our government is like a continuous WWE fight between the two main political beliefs, and the other, more moderate ideals are out of the question. People get mad if you are not on "their side."

I personally declared myself as independent due to my belief that I do not want other people telling me what to believe. I want to be able to choose my own opinions instead of a higher power choosing them for me. For example, if I was a member of the conservative party, and I believed that abortion should not be illegal, I would be ostracized by my party despite my other ideals. Again, I am not telling you to become independent, I am telling you to choose what you believe.

To add to that statement, if you say you believe in an idea, please choose to research about that idea first. Research both sides of the argument, and do not discard an idea until you believe it is not 100% right. And it is perfectly okay to not know what you believe in; if you do not have a solid idea of what you believe in that means you are truly thinking about the topic.

I have seen the division that the modern-day political climate has done to the younger generation already. I have seen groups of kids debate about serious issues, and if that kid does not believe the same as the rest of them, he is discarded as a idiotic individual. High-schoolers judge one another based on their opinions, which is a fairly new concept.

I do not agree with everyone's political statements, but I do believe in the right of free speech. I just ask that you choose the opinion of the one you agree with and/or most idenitfy with. It's only what's best for our country.

Having moderate views is not a bad thing, and people should stop ostracizing those who do not fall under a political party. A good solution for the polarization the political climate in America has would be recognizing a third party to balance power within the government.

However, those are my views on the subject. What do you think?


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