How To Be A Decent Human-Being

Every human wants to be a better person (or they should want to), but they do not have any guiding information on how to achieve their goal. Here is a list of all the things I try to incorporate into my daily life to help me on my journey.

  1. Meditation and reflection is key. Knowing what has been done in the past always helps you fix that issue in the future. When I have an outburst, I usually think about the situation. Reflection is necessary for one to have the right attitude about being a decent human-being.
  2. Productivity can help with the feeling of depression and/or the lack of stimuli in one's life. When people go for a walk, it makes them feel better. Taking a break from devices is good for the brain. Seeing green (forests, grass, etc.) helps people feel happier.
  3. Kindness is essential for one for have friends and to feel secure about their personality. When I got over my rude/stubborn side of myself, I found out that being kind has a lot of perks.
  4. Determination to be a better, kinder person is the thing that drives the whole movement. Without determination, the hopes and wishes of being a new you is washed away in an instant.
  5. Do not judge, unless you would like to be judged. Criticism is different from judgement, and the less you judge, the more carefree life is.
This is a short list, but they do not lack in content. Mastering all four of these habits is a difficult task. I have not even perfected it; I just hope to one day. Being a good human-being is hard work, but with determination and practice come hand in hand with this goal.


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