The Hive Mind

Topic was submitted by Maya Stewart.

Click here.  The article that I am referencing.

If you click the article above, it discusses why humans follow trends. And I am not trying to argue that point, but more of if trends are a good or bad thing.

To understand mankind, one must observe the animal kingdom. A food chain is present in the modern world, but instead of food being the driving factor, it's money. Humans compare themselves to lions and monkeys by putting our behavioral instincts and biology side by side. However, in this analogy, I am going to be arguing that humans are like bees.

The hive mind -  the collective thoughts, ideas, and opinions of a group of people (such as Internet users) regarded as functioning together as a single mind, says the Merriam-Webster online dictionary.

Humans believe that they are individual beings, and that they are special in their unique way. In reality, they are just another living being trying to get by. People group together for survival purposes. This minimalistic concept is the reason why humans care about what others think, and so they all kind of share the same opinion, whether they like it or not.

Humans follow trends due to their need of acceptance. If one person believes something different than the rest, they are seen as an outsider to the community. Obviously, this idea does not go for small things such as "What's your favorite color?" But, it does taint human opinion and evolution in the grand scheme of things.

In that sense, humans are likes bees, we all share the same stream of consciousness, even if we don't want to.

But following trends is not the worst thing in the world. People just want connection, and they'll try to find it wherever they can. If it's bonding over a new, popular song or movie, it's harmless to society. Yes, it does tear down individuality in a sense, but I would rather have a society that's at peace than a society that's at war.

That sounds dramatic, but if you look at my recent post, polarity is what tears people apart. Everyone can just join in the trend to feel included, and at the end of the day, they are way happier that way. I sound like the antithesis of Ayn Rand's Anthem, but if you know me, you know that I am for individuality. I am also for people having the freedom to choose whether or not to participate in a trend. Personally, I don't care if people follow trends or not. If they want to eat tide pods or do silly dances, it is THEIR CHOICE.


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